Blade Runner & PostModernism
release date: June 2022
The first edition of the SF(a) workshop focused on a critical analysis of Ridley Scott’s movie Blade Runner (1982), drawing inspiration from the philosophical works of Frederic Jameson, particularly his exploration of postmodernism, or the “Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism”.

For the first edition poster, the visual depiction portrayed the fluctuation between the hues of red and green, symbolizing the contrast between artificial and natural realms. The color scheme of the traffic lights in Ridley Scott’s film “Blade Runner” served as the inspiration for this dichotomy.
The SF(a) Workshop – Society, Film, Architecture involved 25 architecture students, who, in addition to practical activities, benefited from lectures held by speakers from three universities:
- “G. M. Cantacuzino” Faculty of Atchitecture” – “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași;
- Faculty of History – “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași;
- Faculty of Letters – “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași
- School of Architecture and Urbanism – University of Brasilia.
The starting point was the cult movie Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott. Having this point of reference, the discussions focused on the origins, character, and current relevance of post-modernism in architecture, cinema, philosophy, and literature.
The activities were structured in two stages:
- five lectures aimed at decoding the cinematographic, philosophical, historical, literary, and sociological meanings of this cult movie.
- lecture dedicated to the history and evolution of poster-specific illustrations, open discussions, and hands-on work on developing concepts for alternative posters.

Radu Cucuteanu
Faculty of History
“Al. Ioan Cuza” University of Iași. Romania
Emanuela Ilie
Faculty of Letters
“Al. Ioan Cuza” University of Iași. Romania
Pedro P.Palazzo & Sarah Almeida
The School of Architecture and Urbanism from the University of Brasilia
Ionuț Tudor
Raluca Manoliu
“G.M.Cantacuzino” Faculty of Architecture.Iași. Romania
Nely Vînău
“G.M.Cantacuzino” Faculty of Architecture.Iași. Romania/ SF(a)
Tiberiu Teodor-Stanciu
“G.M.Cantacuzino” Faculty of Architecture.Iași. Romania/ atelier spre
Răzvan Nica
“G.M.Cantacuzino” Faculty of Architecture.Iași. Romania/ archsynopsis